Thursday, December 24, 2009

How to fix my myspace?

my lsat question didnt work out, because the profile i wanted was private.

so ill do my BEST to TRY and explain.

alright, pay good attention.

you know how people can go make their own myspace background,etc?

well, yea. i know how. i wanted a certant background, not layout. cos yes indeed its different from a layout.

i wanted a plain black background. sounds easy enough right?

well..not. ive tried but it wasnt working.

see, the problem..

i wanted a black background with the main boxes and such white. all white, no black space in between. and i wanted the black to be very noticable on the outside.

get it? i hope you.

when i made my custom ones, the white of the page would spread out to the sides of the screen and the size was not adjustable. ( iwish you could see)

how do i make it so that, the white part is somewhat..centered?

or give me a website where you can make a bkacground of ur own pic. but make sure its a VERY VERY GOOD website please.

How to fix my myspace?

they have a profile editor

like a generator, its really good.

How to fix my myspace?


Then sign up at to host your image and get a url to use at the layout generator site.

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