Monday, December 28, 2009

Anyone now how to make myspace page better? And how do ya change the background to black?

Whatever you do, don't use any customzing site used by searching with Google. Especially the Pimp sites....they're evil! There are only a few sites that are actually approved by MySpace as being safe for use. Alot of these other sites just steal the code written by the safe sites, and include garbage code that sometimes makes a mess of your profile, or worse yet, can hijack your profile with malicious code.

Without actually looking at your profile, I'm not sure if you already have a background image on your page. If so, click on Edit Profile and go to your "About Me" section.

1. Add this code to the very bottom of that section:

%26lt;style type="text/css"%26gt;


{background-color: 000000;}


2. Next, if you already have an image background, you need to get rid of this line:

body{background-image:url("BACKGROUND URL HERE");


3. Or better yet, ignore number 1, get rid of everything from the code in number 2, EXCEPT the word "BODY", and replace it with: {background-color: 000000;}

If you have no existing picture on your page, just add the code in Number 1, exactly where I told you to place it. =)

Here are some SAFE sites to find customizing code:

Anyone now how to make myspace page better? And how do ya change the background to black?

You're welcome, and thanks! I hope that at least one of us was able to help you. lol =) Report It

Anyone now how to make myspace page better? And how do ya change the background to black?

Look on different layout sites. Also, you can make your own. %26lt;---- go there to make your own layout.

Some good layout sites:

The code for making your background black is

%26lt;background color="black"%26gt;

Don't remove the space between background and color.

Hope that helps!

Anyone now how to make myspace page better? And how do ya change the background to black?

copy/paste your my space url here- and we will look what you already have -- and help you out.

Music is always good to put on there(videos)- that would be at

go to

find cool stuff

I love this stuff on this site-

if you like pictures -- heres a cube- that you can put pictures on ---just his the browse- and find the pics on your computer- and then when you are done with that- copy the html code they give you- and paste it somewhere on your my space site.

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