Monday, December 28, 2009

How do you edit the background of your pictures on myspace?

You know how when you view their pictures and they'll have like layouts in the back? How do ya do dat exactly?? =]

How do you edit the background of your pictures on myspace?

All you gotta do is put the url of the image you want into this code. It won't fit though, so first go to %26amp; shorten the url.


body {background-image:url(URL GOES HERE);}


How do you edit the background of your pictures on myspace?

The way Yahoo formulates code here is a hassle, so it's best if I just point you here:

It's pretty straight forward, you just copy and paste the code into one of your 'blank' picture captions. You need the room for the code without getting cut-off.

How do you edit the background of your pictures on myspace?

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