Saturday, November 28, 2009

Help! i'm new to, how do you changed the background of your profile?

i appreciate all the help. thanks in advance.

Help! i'm new to, how do you changed the background of your profile?

Go to find a background/layout you like then click on it. A code will pop up. Copy and paste that code in your about me section.


Help! i'm new to, how do you changed the background of your profile?

ok you go look for background when you like one copy the code and paste it on your profile, that should change it

Help! i'm new to, how do you changed the background of your profile?

snap out of that site, it's so annoying pus when you apply for a job, and your on it your in deep water.

Help! i'm new to, how do you changed the background of your profile?

Go to someone's page, look for where it states "I created my profile from blah blah Of course blah is not a real site, I am just filling in the blanks. When you get there, go throught the backgrounds and find the one that you like. When you find it, it should have a code that you can copy. Make sure that you highlight the whole code and then go back to your profile, and edit it. Go to edit profile, and in the About Me section paste your code. You should have a background now. If you want to make your own. Go to my site; after the .com put - /machomanericsavage. On there it will tell you where I made mine. Go and do a yahoo serch for pictures that you like, take for example mine is Lord of the Rings, I just typed Lord of the Rings Pictures and then serched the database until I found one I liked. Keep clicking on the picture until it gets to a page all by itself. Copy that site and paste it on the make your own profile site, you will have to turn on background before you can paste it. Once you have pasted it, pick your color of your font and size, generate your code at the bottom and then preview. If it is what you like, copy all of the code and then paste it in the About me section. I hope this will help you.

Oh, by the way, there is nothing against anybody having a myspace. Jobs dont care what you do. My boss knows I have a myspace, and I still have a job.

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