Monday, November 30, 2009

Create my own background?

how do you create your own myspace background? I'm not talking about using a generator from some site like most of the other questions on here are so i thought i would post my own. What is myspace background coded in? How would I create an awesome background like this

I'm willing to take the time to learn any coding languages i need to. I'm already fairly proficient in Java and Adobe Flash so I'm willing to learn more languages to get up to this level... I'm especially interested in how to code that banner at the top of the page. Any ideas?

Create my own background?

try this site it shows some basic html including background.

Create my own background?

I use Paintshop PRO. 9

i loveeeee it. (: it's about 100 dollars to buy, just like Adobe Photoshop. But you can always download free trials online. like @

If you get it. let me know =D

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